spanish short movies for class

Short Movies for Spanish Class

If you need a Spanish lesson plan for movies, try some of the ones we’ve posted below. Spanish short movies are perfect for any language class and in many ways have a huge advantage over full-length films. They are versatile, can be taught in one to two class sessions, and are easily found on the internet. You can adjust questions to fit the level of your class and with a bit of searching, you will find videos with culturally relevant themes. These authentic Spanish resources give you opportunities to provide Comprehensible Input, improve listening skills and have fun in class!


We love these three movie clips below. These are nice examples of movies you can use in your Spanish class, some with classroom bonding themes, and others with culture topics you can expand on. Give them a try!

For the Birds MovieTalk

This is an animated short film that gives you an opportunity to teach Spanish high frequency verbs and grammar in context. Since there is no dialogue in this film, you can turn it into a great movie talk. It’s a fun short film to show at the beginning of the year when talking about respect and acceptance in the classroom.

Spanish movietalk.PNG

Preteach the key Spanish words before watching the film as a warm-up activity. Slip in some culture photos whenever you can. For example, the toucan shows the word BEAK but also let’s you talk about an iconic bird found in Latin America. Then, watch the movie. Since it’s short, watch a couple of times. Follow up your MovieTalk with writing activities.

Want a FREE example of how to use short clips like this for different level Spanish classes?

Download the FREE Spanish Lesson Plan with the slide show here!


La Leyenda del Espantapajaros Spanish short movie for Spanish class

La Leyenda del Espantapájaros

This is one of the best short films in Spanish out there on the internet, particularly when coming up on Halloween or the Day of the Dead. If you are fan of Tim Burton films, you will love this one. Clocking in at around ten minutes, this is a longer film that works well when broken up over two classes. We made a super lesson plan to break down the vocabulary with fun visuals, games, and class activities. Although the language is advanced, you can adapt the movie to work with lower levels by talking through essential vocabulary.



This short film by Argentinian director Juan Pablo Zaramella keeps students engaged with some amazing stop-motion action and a charming story. This movie has no dialogue but the soundtrack is TANGO providing an opportunity to bring some authentic culture into your classroom. Use it as a Spanish MovieTalk activity or as a supplement to any reading about Argentina.!

Some key vocabulary for this movie includes: trabaja, sale, va, se acuesta, roba, el jefe, la bombilla, la fábrica, se enoja, y sopla.


You may also like our blog post about our free Panda Película movie activities for the Coco Movie Trailer! We made these free Spanish lesson plans so you can add a touch of culture and fun to your classroom. Click here to read the blog post and download the free Spanish PDF now.

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